current constant mood: highly sensitive

I am emerging out of my own introverted “shell” I retreated to at the start of social distancing and height of fear with Covid-19.⁣ I know this was circumstance related because I’m usually an extrovert (a true #ENFP if you are familiar with #MyersBriggs personality assessment). ⁣

Lately, I have been intentional of my introversion(#INFP) and have seen it with my behavior like not having the energy to respond to texts and calls and what usually would light me up with connecting with a community and conversations no longer inspired me. ⁣I felt a cloudy fog of uninspired & anxious-fearful FUNK. 

⁣I can see now that stress and hypervigilance of keeping my family safe took over all engines and was (is) taxing on my body & emotions. ⁣I also see that staying on top of the news was taking its toll on me too. ⁣An empath and the activist in me feels deeply and wants to help but how... ⁣And from what reserve tank because I don’t have it in me.⁣

That’s when I read somewhere,

“focus on depth and proximity vs. casting a wide net.”⁣

⁣For me, this was a saving grace. ⁣

I felt bad for not doing more and for not having inspiring content or heartfelt IG videos or IG lives. ⁣

⁣I felt bad for not offering more to the Women’s Soul Circle and taking it virtual.  ⁣Which I have not done, yet. But, where I can be the most helpful with my love, providing some kind of sense of safety and support is for my family & a handful of friends right now. ⁣

And that is okay. ⁣

The activist in me who desires to be part of a solution or a movement demands more and aside from donations & #stayathome practice. I didn't think that was enough. ⁣I’m doing my best in this new reality and I know we all are.⁣ Be gentle & aware of the expectations or judgements you may have placed on yourself and others. ⁣

I know that I am. ⁣

⁣I give myself permission to not feel stronger than I think I should be. ⁣⁣

And in that, it is a valuable insight of healing for me.

⁣Sending 💕 love. ⁣


from a dream to a reality


women’s soul circle